Gilmore IT Center i Quezon City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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FilippinerneGilmore IT Center



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8, Gilmore Avenue, 1100, Quezon City, PH Philippines
kontakter telefon: +63 2 725 7081
internet side:
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Latitude: 14.613526, Longitude: 121.035153

kommentar 5

  • E RT

    E RT


    You can find almost any part of pc there .. CCTV and other computer related items are available ... Only sad thing about it is outside there are people who offering laptop fix and some other service . . Feels like scammers .. they take you and will bring you to some shops which gonna charge you more than usual to cover expenses of hiring them or comitioning those .. so if you new there . Don't accept any offer from people outside .. go inside . You will find what you need . And don't be shy to negotiate the price .

  • Rod Cruz

    Rod Cruz


    Plenty of computer stores and a lot of sales man (outside the building) who'll approach you and give you flyers or persuade you to check out their store. Great for those who's looking for a new computer. Great prices can be negotiated here as well.

  • Leorick Girthrie

    Leorick Girthrie


    Place has a great selection of I.T. products. But beware of vultures. They are usually outside stores and the LRT Gilmore Station, waiting for people with bags (backpacks) big enough to hold a laptop, those possibly looking for laptop repair services. They are fixers and can get really annoying at times. Their prices are higher than that of the store they are working for. Inquire directly at the Gilmore I.T. Center building shops inside. Avoid these middleman.

  • en

    Peter C


    If Banawe is the go-to place for vehicle spare parts new and used, Gilmore is the place to be in if it's about computers, laptops, spare parts, (new & otherwise), and yes they can repair practically anything even to the last tiny wiring or chip. Be prepared to haggle though specially where labor charges are concerned, they can pretty much convince you to part ways with a thousand bucks for a 10 minute job. But what the heck, they know what they're doing and we don't.

  • Harold Asuncion

    Harold Asuncion


    Good place to buy your IT Hardware needs, from computers, laptops, auxiliaries, and other systems such as surveillance. Just getting annoyed by fixers who were blocking your way. TIP: Don't transact with them! Go directly to stores, if you will make an inquiry, repair or buy something.

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