Elite Boxing and Muay Thai Gym Legaspi Village Makati i Makati

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FilippinerneElite Boxing and Muay Thai Gym Legaspi Village Makati



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109, Esteban, Makati, PH Philippines
kontakter telefon: +63 916 588 8112
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Latitude: 14.5568587, Longitude: 121.0169356

kommentar 5

  • Karissa Cruz

    Karissa Cruz


    Worth every peso! This gym has been my happy place for over a year now, and I have no plans of going anywhere else to practice Muay thai. Coaches are professional and very kind. They teach you proper techniques, and are very flexible in changing your workouts, as necessary. Facilities are great, and the place is well-ventilated too. Location is superb as well. Thanks Jasper, Mark, and the whole Elite team for making every workout fun and fulfilling. :)

  • HaoTian



    A terrible ambiance for a newcomer. They laugh at you when you can not keep up with your trainer’s instructions.Even take a pictures of you.That’s really impolite.And I don’t understand that the trainer help a pretty girl massage for 30mins at least.Did I come to a SPA? If you are a boxing club,never come here.It will let your new member left your club.Btw,I will not accept your reasons and apologies because all it’s truth.I will not respond to this comment.

  • en

    Aaron Villar


    I've been training here for three years already and i am really thankful that i moved to Elite Boxing Makati. Staff are always welcoming, the level of coaches vary from beginner(don't worry new comers, they are comprehensive and really extra careful for first timers!) intermediate to fighter training. The gym is spacious and not suffocating unlike other gyms in the metro. If you are looking for a boxing and a muaythai gym in makati that's worth your money, i really recommend Elite Boxing and Muaythai Makati!

  • Van Jay Manzano

    Van Jay Manzano


    Went here, and left right away. The trainer was very rude to women. Later I found out that all of the trainers are rejects and kick outs of Elorde and Empire. And it’s not Elorde anymore. It’s Elite and is for Elite people. If you’re ordinary like me and not a celeb you won’t get attention. Thumbs down!

  • Annabelle Rio Villar

    Annabelle Rio Villar


    One of my favorite place! Coaches and staff are professional and friendly. The vibe and the energy here will keep you motivated.

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