Books & Brews Cafe i Cebu City

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FilippinerneBooks & Brews Cafe



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Juana Osmeña Street, 6000, Cebu City, Cebu, PH Philippines
kontakter telefon: +63 32 384 1175
internet side:
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Latitude: 10.310996, Longitude: 123.895512

kommentar 5

  • en

    Daryl James Medillo


    Cozy and the hot choco was great. But it was like staying in a place without aircon. I was sweating like crazy inside.

  • Jean TONIC

    Jean TONIC


    Nice internet coffee and "library" very good espresso but no small cup :-( coffee cooled to quick on big mug. Staff very friendly and attentive. Excellent WiFi connection

  • Radley Wynne Rosal

    Radley Wynne Rosal


    Excellent ambience. Not that crowdy. Good food.

  • Mateo R

    Mateo R


    Located behind Mango Square Mall, Books & Brews is a little hard to find. (It's outside the mall, not inside it.) I'm glad I found this cozy cafe. It has great cookies, good WiFi, interesting used books, and of course coffee. (August 2017)

  • Jobelle Abejo

    Jobelle Abejo


    The food and drink was good! You can enjoy reading a variety of books... The only thing that this cafe is short of a 1 star was that their manager(i think) who I asked for inquiries about their best seller drink and sandwich was a total snob. She told her personnel to answer the questions instead. Their personnel even said that all things listed in the menu are the best sellers. ☺️

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